
A polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB)/biphenyl degradation gene cluster in Acidovorax sp. strain KKS102, which is very similar to that in Tn4371 from Cupriavidus oxalaticus A5, was transferred to several proteobacterial strains by conjugation. The mobilized DNA fragment consisted of 61,807 bp and carried genes for mating-pair formation (mpf), DNA transfer (dtr), integrase (int), and replication-partition proteins (rep-parAB). In the transconjugants, transferred DNA was integrated at ATTGCATCAG or similar sequences. The circular-form integrative and conjugative element (ICE) was detected by PCR, and quantitative PCR analyses revealed that, in KKS102 cells, the ratio of the circular form to the integrated form was very low (approximately 10(-5)). The circular form was not detected in a mutant of the int gene, which was located at the extreme left and transcribed in the inward direction, and the level of int transcriptional activity was much higher in the circular form than in the integrated form. These findings clearly demonstrated that the genes for PCB/biphenyl degradation in KKS102 cells are located on an ICE, which was named ICE(KKS102)4677. Comparisons of similar ICE-like elements collected from the public database suggested that those of beta- and gammaproteobacteria were distinguishable from other ICE-like elements, including those in alphaproteobacteria, with respect to the gene composition and gene organization.

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