
This study aims to determine consumer characteristics and attributes, and level of pineapple fruit, which are consumers’ preferences in Labuhan Batu District, North Sumatra Province. The largest peatland is on the east coast, namely in the Labuhan Batu District area of 192 thousand ha. Some research results support that pineapple is tolerant of high soil acidity levels, adaptive to peat swampland that is tolerant of pH 3‒4. Based on this, pineapple is a potential plant in Labuhan Batu District, so sustainable pineapple cultivation is needed. By understanding the characteristics, attributes of pineapple level, from consumer preferences, it is hoped that marketing and determining sales strategies can be adjusted to market demand: methods, conjoint analysis. The characteristics of the consumers used are gender, age, education level, type of work, family income per month, number of family members, and purchase frequency for attributes, taste, size, taste, color, and texture. The results of the study, the characteristics of age 25‒44 are consumers who consume the most pineapples. The combination of pineapple fruit that consumers like, fruit with a sweet taste, large size, strong taste, soft and smooth texture, and yellowish-green color. This can be considered in determining the target market and marketing strategy for pineapple in Labuhan Batu District, North Sumatra Province.

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