
The anamorph of aphioslama iPs has been suggested to have both sympodial and phialidic co- nidium development. The phialidic form has conse- quently been referred to as Acremonium-like and the sympodial form as a species of Hyalorhinocladiella. The aim of this study was to determine the mode of co- nidium development and consequently the identity of the anamorph of aphiosloma iPs. Light microscopy clearly indicated that sympodial proliferation oc- curred during conidiogcnesis. However, using scan- ning electron microscopy, conidiogenous cells were found to be annellidic. This was confirmed using trans- mission electron microscopy where distinct anneIJa- tions could be distinguished on conidiogenous cells. \\le conclude that conidium development in the ana-

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