
SummaryMolecular clock calibration is a crucial step for placing phylogenetic trees in the temporal framework required to test evolutionary hypotheses and estimate evolutionary rates. In general, most authors agree that the best approach is to incorporate multiple calibrations to avoid the risk of bias associated with a single dating source. However, the indiscriminate inclusion of as many calibration points as possible can lead to tree shape distortion and an overestimation of the variation in evolutionary rates among branches due to errors in the geological, paleontological or paleogeographic information used for dating.We present a test of congruence among calibration hypotheses to assist their filtering prior to molecular clock analysis, which we have calledBayesFactorClusterAnalysis (BFCA). This is a heuristic method based on the comparison of pairwise calibrations hypotheses byBayes factors that allows identifying sets of congruent calibrations.We have testedBFCAthrough simulation usingbeastandmcmctree programs and analysed a real case of multiple calibration hypotheses to date the evolution of the genusCarabus(Coleoptera:Carabidae).The analyses of simulated data showed the predictability of change inBayes factors when comparing alternative calibration hypotheses on a particular tree topology, and thus the suitability ofBFCAin identifying unreliable calibrations, especially in cases with limited variation in evolutionary rates among branches. The exclusion of inconsistent calibrations as identified byBFCAproduced significant changes in the estimation of divergence times and evolutionary rates in the genusCarabus, illustrating the importance of filtering calibrations before analyses.The method has been implemented in an open‐sourceRpackage calledbfcato simplify its application.

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