
In the mid-1960s, a climate of religious ferment spread through Protestant churches throughout Brazil, calling for a spiritual renewal. This yearning took shape through the Spiritual Renewal Movement, reshaping facets of Brazilian Protestantism. In the Northeast, the renewal movement reached Protestant pastors and faithful, among whom Baptists and Congregationals played a singular role in its consolidation and diffusion. Congregational leaders, especially from Paraíba and Pernambuco, immersed their communities in that “movement of the Spirit”. In order to understand this religious movement and its dynamics, we undertook research, from which we write this article. Our aim, through this article, is to present a brief historical-sociological overview of the religious renewal of congregationalist sectors in the Northeast.


  • In the mid-1960s, an atmosphere of religious effervescence spread to Protestant churches throughout Brazil, calling for a spiritual renewal, which took shape through the Spiritual Renewal Movement

  • In this article, we present a historical and sociological overview of the renewal of segments of Congregacionalism and its tensions in Paraíba and Pernambuco states

  • Celebrando vitoriosos, chamaram o vale onde estavam de Beraca, que traduzido do hebraico significa “bênção”

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Heitor Lamartine*

Resumo: Em meados de 1960, um clima de efervescência religiosa se alastrou por igrejas protestantes Brasil afora, conclamando uma renovação espiritual, que ganhou corpo através do Movimento de Renovação Espiritual. Os ventos dessa revitalização religiosa avançaram sobre o Nordeste, alcançando líderes e fiéis de várias denominações. Os batistas e congregacionais cumpriram importante papel para consolidação e difusão dessa tendência. Apresentamos um panorama histórico e sociológico acerca da renovação de segmentos do congregacionalismo e suas tensões na Paraíba e Pernambuco. Além da literatura especializada consultada, realizamos pesquisa documental e entrevistas. Pretendemos, assim, sublinhar a importância desse movimento religioso para compreensão de facetas do protestantismo brasileiro e suas interfaces.

Forjando uma Aliança Congregacional
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