
Prior to the demonstration by Bennhold 1 that a diagnosis of amyloid disease could be based on the selective affinity of deposits of this substance within the body, any decision as to the presence of amyloid deposits in the body rested on presumptive data. In another article we 2 have presented cases that we have encountered in which this test was of service in arriving at a diagnosis. Even our restricted data demonstrate the utility of this little known test. Bennhold's original technic of the injection of 10 cc. of a 1 per cent congo red solution has been used since his method first appeared. 3 While our work was in progress Friedman and Auerbach 4 and later Taran 5 eliminated the factor of possible hemolysis by precipitating proteins with alcohol and (according to Taran) with acetone. METHOD Technic. —We have made several modifications and refinements in the technic of

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