
web of the larynx is extremely rare. Hodge, 1 of Montreal, in an article published in 1930, quoted St. Clair Thomson's 2 statement that only twenty-three authentic cases of congenital laryngeal web have been reported. Since the appearance of Hodge's article, Clerf 3 has contributed a valuable article on congenital web of the larynx, and Wilkinson, 4 under the title Congenital Stenosis, has reported another case of congenital web in which the condition responded to direct laryngoscopic bougienage and incision. Kriegsmann 5 under the title Surgical Treatment of Laryngeal Diaphragm recorded a case in a woman, 26 years of age, in which the operative method of cure was a failure. In Hodge's case of a child 5 years of age, cure was brought about by Jackson's technic of incision of the web followed by dilation through the laryngoscope. The case that I wish to report presents several

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