
Congenital syphilis was rare in most affluent countries but there has been a slight resurgence recently in several European countries. In large parts of the world and particularly sub-Saharan Africa congenital syphilis is a significant public health problem. The cornerstone of congenital syphilis control is antenatal screening and treatment of mothers with penicillin, which is a cost-effective intervention. In affluent countries it should be strengthened among those at high risk. Clinicians should be more vigilant for the possibility of babies being born with congenital syphilis, which is often asymptomatic. In developing countries not only does antenatal care screening need to be strengthened by implementing point-of-care decentralised screening and treatment but alternative innovative approaches to controlling congenital syphilis should be explored. There is an urgent need for international health agencies to support focused approaches to tackling the tragedy of continuing congenital syphilis. This could be a part of a pro-poor strategy to meet the Millennium Development Goals.

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