
Congenital portosystemic shunts (CPSS) are rare developmental anomalies resulting in diversion of portal flow to the systemic circulation. These shunts allow intestinal blood to reach the systemic circulation directly, and if persistent or large, may lead to long-term complications. CPSS can have a variety of clinical presentations that depend on the substrate that is bypassing hepatic metabolism or the degree of hypoperfusion of the liver. Many intrahepatic shunts spontaneously close by 1 year of age, but extrahepatic and persistent intrahepatic shunts require intervention by a single session or staged closure with a multidisciplinary approach. Early detection and appropriate management are important for a good prognosis. The aim of this case series is to describe the varied clinical presentations, treatment approaches, and outcomes of 5 children with CPSS at our institution. Management of these patients should involve a multidisciplinary team, including interventional radiology, surgery, hepatology, and other medical services as the patient's clinical presentation warrants. Regardless of clinical presentation, if a CPSS persists past 1-2 years of age, closure is recommended.

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