
Simple SummaryCongenital malformations can lead to embryonic mortality in many species, and sea turtles are no exception. Genetic and/or environmental alterations occur during early development in the embryo, and may produce aberrant phenotypes, many of which are incompatible with life. Causes of malformations are multifactorial; genetic factors may include mutations, chromosomal aberrations, and inbreeding effects, whereas non-genetic factors may include nutrition, hyperthermia, low moisture, radiation, and contamination. It is possible to monitor and control some of these factors (such as temperature and humidity) in nesting beaches, and toxic compounds in feeding areas, which can be transferred to the embryo through their lipophilic properties. In this review, we describe possible causes of different types of malformations observed in sea turtle embryos, as well as some actions that may help reduce embryonic mortality.The completion of embryonic development depends, in part, on the interplay between genetic factors and environmental conditions, and any alteration during development may affect embryonic genetic and epigenetic regulatory pathways leading to congenital malformations, which are mostly incompatible with life. Oviparous reptiles, such as sea turtles, that produce numerous eggs in a clutch that is buried on the beach provide an opportunity to study embryonic mortality associated with malformations that occur at different times during development, or that prevent the hatchling from emerging from the nest. In sea turtles, the presence of congenital malformations frequently leads to mortality. A few years ago, a detailed study was performed on external congenital malformations in three species of sea turtles from the Mexican Pacific and Caribbean coasts, the hawksbill turtle, Eretmochelys imbricata (n = 23,559 eggs), the green turtle, Chelonia mydas (n = 17,690 eggs), and the olive ridley, Lepidochelys olivacea (n = 20,257 eggs), finding 63 types of congenital malformations, of which 38 were new reports. Of the three species, the olive ridley showed a higher incidence of severe anomalies in the craniofacial region (49%), indicating alterations of early developmental pathways; however, several malformations were also observed in the body, including defects in the carapace (45%) and limbs (33%), as well as pigmentation disorders (20%), indicating that deviations occurred during the middle and later stages of development. Although intrinsic factors (i.e., genetic mutations or epigenetic modifications) are difficult to monitor in the field, some environmental factors (such as the incubation temperature, humidity, and probably the status of feeding areas) are, to some extent, less difficult to monitor and/or control. In this review, we describe the aetiology of different malformations observed in sea turtle embryos, and provide some actions that can reduce embryonic mortality.


  • Teratology, from the Greek teras, meaning monster, is the study of causes and mechanisms leading to abnormal development

  • Sea turtles search for a suitable place to nest, at which time embryonic development is arrested in middle gastrula stage; once the eggs are laid in the sand, development resumes, which will depend entirely on environmental factors, such as temperature and humidity, until hatchling emergence [5,8,9,10,11,12]

  • Other non-genetic factors causing neural tube defects such as infections, drugs, caffeine, smoking, and alcohol have been identified in humans, as well as hyperthermia [49]; the latter is relevant in sea turtles since the incubation temperature is crucial during development, and sustained high temperatures may cause congenital malformations

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Teratology, from the Greek teras, meaning monster, is the study of causes and mechanisms leading to abnormal development. It has been reported that gnathoschisis (cleft palate) is the prevalent craniofacial malformation in green, loggerhead, and olive ridley embryos [13,19]; while variation in scute patterns is the most common malformation in hard-shelled sea turtles [13,20], and leucism (hypopigmentation) has been reported in several species of turtles [13,21,22,23,24,25]. Torsion initiates and completes; embryo on left side; somites (>40); amnion, chorion and yolk sac complete; pharyngeal clefts open and start to close; limb buds develop to form digital plates; blood islands visible; tail elongates; lens visible in the eye Dysmelia (limb differences) is the most common malformation reported for hawksbill turtles [13]; deviations in the signal centre of the apical ectodermal ridge (AER) cause truncated limb bones [27,28]. Leucism (hypopigmentation) has been reported for several species of turtles [13,21,22,23,24,25]; these individuals can survive to adulthood, and remain reproductively active [31]

Pigmentation Disorders
Craniofacial Disorders
Forebrain and Midline Facial Structures
Skeletal Defects
Limbs and Digits
Schistosomus Reflexus Syndrome
Concluding Remarks
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