
The risk of congenital malformations as assessed in infants born to women who underwent immunotherapy for habitual abortion. One hundred and eighty women were immunized with paternal mononuclear cells and 85 were not. Of 135 pregnancies in immunized patients, 27 (20%) were miscarriages, and 4 of the remaining 108 had congenital malformations. Two (encephalocele and common AV canal) were diagnosed in the 20th and 21st week of gestation. A case of esophageal atresia and Fallot's tetralogy were diagnosed at birth. Of 65 pregnancies in the non-immunized group 38 (58.5%) were miscarriages, and of the remaining 27, 1 case of Down's syndrome occurred. In a subgroup of 7 habitually aborting couples with parental balanced chromosomal anomalies, the balanced translocation was transferred to the infant in 1 case. No other congenital anomalies were found in either group. Consequently, these anomalies are probably not the result of abnormal pregnancies retained as a result of immunization.

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