
Congenital cataract has a high amblyogenic potential and is an important subject in pediatric opthalmology. Because of amblyopia risk, congenital cataracts require an early diagnosis.Bilateral congenital cataract is genetic in at least 25% of cases. In contrast, unilateral congenital cataract is usually sporadic. The mode of inheritance is mostly autosomal dominant but autosomal recessive and X-linked modes also occur. Metabolic cataract may be diagnosed biochemically. Because of the anatomical dimensions being smaller and the tissue structures being softer and more elastic in the young patient, surgery of paediatric cataracts represents a special challenge for the ophthalmic surgeon. The evolution of paediatric cataract surgery continues, with many adult cataract surgical techniques being applied to children with minor technical adjustments. Intraocular lenses have helped to provide better anatomic and functional outcome for cataract surgery in children. More and more, surgeons are implanting intraocular lenses in younger children. One of the most widely reported technologic advances in 2004-2005 was the use of hydrofobic acrylic intraocular lenses in children. Predicting axial growth, and refractive change that accompanies it, is one of the major remaining challances for the long- term care of children who have had cataract surgery. Due to the increased inflammatory reaction postoperatively, a minimally traumatic operation, intensive occlusion therapy and optimal correction with glasses or contact lenses are also necessary. Orthoptic follow-up examinations are also important for the long-term result.In this review, a short information about diagnosis and management of congenital cataract is presented.

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