
Flavonols are compounds with radical-scavenging activities that can prevent the harmful effects of free radicals. Their radical-scavenging activity has attracted significant attention. Recently, quantum chemistry-based methodologies have significantly improved the understanding of the activity due to dramatic increases in computational power and software improvements. A standardized analysis method for estimating radical scavenging activity, the quantum mechanics-based test for overall free radical scavenging activity (QM-ORSA), has been proposed. An obstacle in applying the QM-ORSA protocol to flavonols is the large number of conformers and hydroxy groups for analysis. In this study, we focused on it and analyzed the conformational dependences of three flavonols (myricetin, quercetin, and kaempferol) on their chemical properties: bond dissociation energy, pKa, and ionization energy. As a result, all chemical properties were insensitive to conformational differences. The conformational search should be performed separately for each in the gas phase and in aqueous solution because of the differences in the major conformer (relative population of each conformer). These results suggest that it is important to perform the conformational search separately in water and in the gas phase and to determine one representative structure for analyzing radical scavenging activity.

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