
The 220-MHz proton magnetic resonance spectrum of the cyclic decapeptide antibiotic, mono-N-methylleucine gramicidin S, is reported and all the resonances have been assigned to specific protons of the constituent amino acids. Three methods--temperature dependence and solvent mixture (methanol-trifluoroethanol and dimethyl sulfoxide-trifluoroethanol) dependence of peptide NH proton chemical shifts and proton deuteron exchange--habe been utilized to delineate peptide NH protons. The results of the above methods, coupled with the observed vicinal alpha-CH-NH coupling constants and chemical shifts, indicate that in trifluoroethanol the peptide NH PROTONS OF D-Phe4, D-Phe9, L-Orn2, and L-Val6 are exposed to the sovent, and those of L-Val1, L-Orn7, and L-Leu8 are solvent shielded and intramolecularly hydrogen bonded. In trifluoroethanol, dimethyl sulfoxide, and methanol, the decapeptide has no C2 symmetry, and there are only minor conformational differences in the different solvents. In the proposed conformation in trifluoroethanol, one-half of the decapeptide retained the hydrogen bonding pattern of gramicidin S, i.e. cyclo-(L-Val1 NH--O-C L-Leu8) (a beta turn) and cyclo-(L-Leu8 NH--O-C L-Val1). The second half of the molecule exhibits a different type of stable beta turn involving the ten-atom hydrogen-bonded ring, cyclo-(L-Orn7-NH--O-C D-PHE4).

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