
Equilibrium geometry parameters, harmonic vibrational frequencies and barriers to conformational transitions and conformer energy differences for N-methylacetamide (CH3CONHCH3) molecule in S0, S1 and T1 electronic states were calculated in MP2 (S0) and CASPT2 (S1, T1) levels of theory. It is known that there are two planar (or effectively planar) conformers of N-methylacetamide in the ground electronic state. It is proved that the electronic excitation to aforementioned electronic states resulted in both CCON and HNCC fragments becoming pyramidal and rotated around «central» CN bond. One-, two- and three-dimensional potential energy surface (PES) sections by different large amplitude motions (LAM) coordinates were obtained by MP2 (S0) and CASPT2 (S1, T1) methods with cc-pVTZ basis set. On 2D PES sections by «central» torsion (CN) and one of the CCON or HNCC fragments’ inversion coordinates there are six different minima. Using PES sections as the potentials in model Hamiltonians, different anharmonic vibrational problems were solved and the frequencies of large amplitude vibrations were estimated variationally.

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