
X-ray diffraction patterns from stretched films of keratan sulphate, isolated from bovine cornea, indicate that the molecules are twofold helices with an axial rise per disaccharide residue of 0.945 nm. These helices are oriented with their twofold screw axes parallel and about equally spaced, but are not further organized into regular crystalline arrays. Computer methods were used to construct a molecular model with the observed symmetry and axial rise per disaccharide residue, with standard bond lengths, bond angles and pyranose ring conformations and with a hydrogen bond of length 0.270 nm between O(3) of N-acetylglucosamine and O(5) of galactose. This model has no unacceptably short non-bonded interatomic distances. The intensity distribution of the diffraction pattern calculated from the co-ordinates of the model is in reasonable agreement with the observed intensity distribution. This keratan sulphate model is an extended polysaccharide chain fringed with charged sulphate side groups, and is similar to those that have already been reported for chondroitin sulphates and dermatan sulphate, paralleling the similarities in covalent structure and biological occurrence among these substances.

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