
A study has been made of the association and the temperature-dependent conformation of adenosine 3′,5′-monophosphate (cyclic AMP) in a neutral aqueous ( 2H 2O) solution by means of proton magnetic resonance chemical shift and relaxation. The concentration and temperature-dependent chemical shifts of H(1′), H(2), and H(8), have enabled us to estimate the self-association constant, K a = 1.1 ± 0.3 M −1 at 25°C and thermodynamic parameters ΔH = −5.8 ± 1.5 kcal/mol and ΔS (25°C) = −19.0 ± 3 cal/mol per degree. The NMR-DESERT (Deuterium Substitution Effect on Relaxation Times) method has been utilized for the determination of the syn-anti conformational equilibrium in the monomeric state and for the determination of the mutual orientation of the two adenine rings in the dimeric state of cyclic AMP. The molecules were found to coexist with nearly equimolarity of syn-anti conformers and thermal activation of the molecules perturbs the syn-anti conformational equilibrium to comprise the syn form in preference at higher temperature. The glycosidic isomerization (from anti to syn) was found to be characterized both by a positive enthalpy change and by a positive entropy change. The cyclic AMP molecules prefer to take a ‘ trans-stacking’ conformation in the dimeric state where the two molecules are arranged in such a way that the H(2) of one molecule is close to the H(8) of the other.

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