
The object of research was the fi rst-calf heifers of Black-and-White breed. The purpose of the work was to assess the conformation and morphological features of the udder of fi rst-calf heifers depending on their belonging to genealogical line. Three groups were formed per 30 heads in each for 2–3 months of on the fi rst lactation depending on belonging to the genealogical line. The 1st group included the daughters of sires of the line Wes Back Idial 1013415, the 2nd group of line Montwik Chieftain 95679, the 3rd group of line Refl ection Sovereign 198998. The research was carried out in CJSC “Konstantinovo” in the Penza district of the Penza region. It was found on the base of a linear evaluation of the conformation of the fi rst-calf heifers that the cows of the line Refl ection Sovereign 198998 turned out to be taller, which also had an advantage in the largest number of indicators, namely, the strength of the physique, the position of the pelvis, muscularity, the setting of the hind limbs, the angle of the hoof, the width of the rear udder parts and the length of the teats. The cows of the line Montwick Chieftain 95679 turned out to be more close to the optimal indicators of the linear assessment and diff ered in many ways such as trunk depth, hind limb positioning, hoof angle, length of the anterior udder parts, height of attachment of the posterior udder parts, udder cleft, location of the anterior teats, teats length. The decrease in udder length was more signifi cant in cows of the line Wes Back Ideal 1013415 and Refl ection Sovereign 198998. The characteristics of cows of Black-and-White holsteinezied breed taking into account the methodology of linear evaluation of the udder and its decline indicators, gives a confi dent understanding and judgment about the use of animals in dairy cattle breeding of individual groups formed depending on the belonging to genealogical line, having high indicators close to livestock standards.

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