
The decomposition of correlation functions into conformal blocks is an indispensable tool in conformal field theory. For spinning correlators, non-trivial tensor structures are needed to mediate between the conformal blocks, which are functions of cross ratios only, and the correlation functions that depend on insertion points in the d-dimensional Euclidean space. Here we develop an entirely group theoretic approach to tensor structures, based on the Cartan decomposition of the conformal group. It provides us with a new universal formula for tensor structures and thereby a systematic derivation of crossing equations. Our approach applies to a ‘gauge’ in which the conformal blocks are wave functions of Calogero-Sutherland models rather than solutions of the more standard Casimir equations. Through this ab initio construction of tensor structures we complete the Calogero-Sutherland approach to conformal correlators, at least for four-point functions of local operators in non-supersymmetric models. An extension to defects and superconformal symmetry is possible.


  • Spin, such as e.g. currents or the stress tensor, is clearly one of the most pressing issues that was addressed early on in [9,10,11,12,13], see [14, 15] and references therein for more recent developments

  • In this work we employed conformal group theory to explicitly embed the theory of Calogero-Sutherland models and their wave functions into conformal field theory

  • In the case relevant for four-point functions of spinning fields, Calogero-Sutherland wave functions depend on two variables ui, i = 1, 2, which can be considered as coordinates on a particular 2-dimensional abelian subgroup of the conformal group, as described in eq (3.1)

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Correlators as functions on the conformal group

Our main goal is to reinterpret four-point correlation functions of local primary fields in a conformal field theory in terms of functions on the conformal group which. In a parityinvariant conformal field theory, a primary field which transforms in the representation π of the orthogonal group O(d) is acted on by I as ΦI (x) = IΦ(x)I−1 =. With the help of these reflections, we can define new maps Ii = Isei = seiI which are in the identity component Spin(1, d + 1) of the conformal group. This concludes our short detour on conformal inversions and their action on primary fields in a general conformal field theory. The Ward identities take a similar form

Correlators from covariant functions on the group
Cartan coordinates and tensor structures
Cartan coordinates and Calogero-Sutherland models
Cartan decomposition and tensor structures
Spinor representation of the conformal group
Seed conformal blocks
Tensor structures for arbitrary spins
Comparison with other approaches
Conclusions and outlook
A Verification of Ward identities
B Correlators from harmonic analysis
D Euler angles and quaternions
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