
A formulation of massless QED is studied with a non-singular Lagrangian and conformal invariant equations of motion. It makes use of non-decomposable representations of the conformal groupG and involves two dimensionless scalar fields (in addition to the conventional charged field and electromagnetic potential) but gauge invariant Green functions are shown to coincide with those of standard (massless) QED. Assuming that the (non-elementary) representation ofG for the 5-potential which leaves the equations of motion invariant and leads to the free photon propagator of Johnson-Baker-Adler (JBA) conformal QED remains unaltered by renormalization, we prove that consistency requirements for conformal invariant 2-, 3-, and 4-point Green functions satisfying (renormalized) equations of motion and standard Ward identities lead to either a trivial solution (witheψ=0) or to a subcanonical dimensiond=1/2 for the charged field.

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