
The implications of restricted conformal invariance under conformal transformations preserving a plane boundary are discussed for general dimensions d. Calculations of the universal function of a conformal invariant ξ which appears in the two-point function of scalar operators in conformally invariant theories with a plane boundary are undertaken to first order in the ge = 4 − d expansion for the operator φ 2 in φ 4 theory. The form for the associated functions of ξ for the two-point functions for the basic field φ α and the auxiliary field λ in the N → ∞ limit of the O( N) nonlinear sigma model for any d in the range 2 < d < 4 are also rederived. These results are obtained by integrating the two-point functions over planes parallel to the boundary, defining a restricted two-point function which may be obtained more simply. Assuming conformal invariance this transformation can be inverted to recover the full two-point function. Consistency of the results is checked by considering the limit d → 4 and also by analysis of the operator product expansions for φ α φ β and λλ. Using this method the form of the two-point function for the energy-momentum tensor in the conformal O( N) model with a plane boundary is also found. General results for the sum of the contributions of all derivative operators appearing in the operator product expansion, and also in a corresponding boundary operator expansion, to the two-point functions are also derived making essential use of conformal invariance.

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