
The Argentine legal system has been the protagonist of a large number of substantial legal modifications that have had a direct impact on the techniques of assisted human reproduction (TRHA). Recognize this medical practice as a third filiatory type sharing the stage of filial right together with filiation by nature and adoptive, means granting them a place of privilege with what that means. Now, it is questionable whether the current regulation is capable of covering all the legal problems that arise in social reality, in a field marked by dynamism and constant movement; what would be the legal spaces that were not yet covered by the law and which would remain pending and what doctrinal and jurisprudential positions have been put forward in this regard; what would be the bases or principles to build legal solutions to this silence. All questions must be answered, taking as a starting point the obligatory perspective of human rights as an obligatory view in order to achieve a practice that is in tune with the rights and interests at stake. For this purpose, inquiring about the contributions and implications of key notions such as procreational will and informed consent constitute key analysis tools, what happens with the revocation in special cases such as death and the rupture of the union, as when dissociation will procreational gestation by substitution, even until, when the procreational will is lent by more than two people. All these complex debates have starred the scenario of the right of families in contemporary Argentine law in which the plural has been sponsored, precisely, by the techniques of assisted reproduction.


  • The Argentine legal system has been the protagonist of a large number of substantial legal modifications that have had a direct impact on the techniques of assisted human reproduction (TRHA)

  • Rev. antropol. soc. 27(2) 2018: 353-380 debates have starred the scenario of the right of families in contemporary Argentine law in which the plural has been sponsored, precisely, by the techniques of assisted reproduction

  • «Fallos «contra legem»: La gestación por sustitución como causal para impugnar la maternidad y rectificar la partida de nacimiento»

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A nivel mundial, el desarrollo de las TRHA en la Argentina no es muy significativo, tal como se deriva de la información proporcionada por el Comité Internacional de Monitoreo de Técnicas de Reproducción Asistida (International Committee Monitoring Assisted Reproductive Technologies –ICMART-): Región Europa Asia Norteamérica Medio Oriente Oceanía América Latina África. Ello genera varias repercusiones en la morfología jurídica que ostentan las TRHA en la actualidad debiéndose tener en cuenta, básicamente, las siguientes cuestiones normativas claves: 1) el primer y único precedente emanado de la Corte Interamericana de Derechos Humanos (Corte IDH) que aborda la cuestión de la fertilización in vitro (FIV) y en particular, la naturaleza jurídica del embrión es el caso Artavia Murillo y otros contra Costa Rica del 28/11/2012; 2) el CCyC en vigencia desde el 01/08/2015 que en sus dos primeros artículos revaloriza los tratados internacionales de derechos humanos como pilar de la regulación al disponer en el art. La fuerza de la voluntad procreacional (faz interna) y el consentimiento informado (faz externa) como columna vertebral de la filiación por TRHA

El entramado normativo
Actualización y revocación de la voluntad
Revocación y ruptura de la pareja
Palabras introductorias
El principio de realidad socio-judicial
Algunas consideraciones interesantes en torno a las voces jurisprudenciales
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