
Contents: Preface. Introduction: In Search of Common Ground Amidst Conflicting Paradigms in Adult Literacy Education. Adult Literacy and the Quality of Life. Workforce Readiness in the Information Age. Workforce Investment Act/National Reporting System (WIA/NRS). NLA Polemics: Criticism and Counterarguments. Defining Outcomes and Impacts in Adult Literacy Education: Problems and Conflicting Perspectives. Equipped for the Future: Building the Infrastructure. EFF Standards: Linking Pedagogy and Policy in Quest of a National Consensus. Research Traditions: Problems, Paradigms, Polemics. Toward a Mediating Pedagogy of Adult Literacy Via Dewey's Model of Inquiry and His Accompanying Metaphor of Growth. In Quest of a More Perfect Union Through a Double-Vision Perspective of Hope and Skepticism.

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