
In this article the period of university studying and the professional identity formation have been described, it has been proved that it is fatal in a professional biography of an individual and, in most cases, it is largely connected to the experience of the crisis of a graduate. It has been found that a career choice depends on the outcome of the conflict resolution that determines the path of a person within or outside the obtained speciality. The crisis periods that accompany a student-psychologist while during their university studies have been analyzed in this article. In addition,the seven major conflicts that are inherent to the adolescent student, the transition through which indicates the professional identity formation, have been examined. The study results of internal professional and personal conflicts of future psychologists (time perception, sexual polarization, leadership inclinations, confidence, value system) have been provided. The basic normative crises and the factors that trigger the crisis of professional development at the stage of professional activity have been characterized. In the process of professional development of students some professional identity crises are possible in various aspects of education and in a future career choice. It is noted that the professional identity formation is determined by the level of correspondence to the existing images of an individual about the typical representative of a profession and notions about themselves as a professional. Non-correspondence to these images leads to the internal conflict, a feeling of self-dissatisfaction, reduces their self-esteem and prevents the perception of collective identity in a professional environment. The crisis of educational and professional orientation, the crisis of revision and correction (change) of the career choice, the crisis of the professional development, the crisis of the professional career, the crisis of social and professional self-actualization as well as the crisis of the career loss have been identified among the normative crises of professional identity formation. The classification of the causes that determine the development of professional crises has been presented. The current issue of professional marginalism and its consequences in future careers have been justified.

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