
Lim Teck Ghee and Mark J. Valencia: commonalities and directions for future research conflict over land-based natural resources in the ASEAN countries Eduardo Tadem: the ASEAN region - great wealth and great strife the plunder of forest resources the transformation of a natural resource - agriculture to agribusiness conflicts over mineral resources development and tribal peoples - resistance to displacement natural resource abuses - a time for change the Japanese economy and South-East Asia - the examples of the Asahan Aluminium and Kawasaki Steel Projects Yoko Kitazawa: the Japanese miracle the miracle ends? a new vision of economic development the vision in action - Asahan Japan's overseas steel industry Kawasaki in Mindanao Kawasaki follows the vision conclusion - the comprehensive security system - what price? international conflict over marine resources in South-East Asia - trends in politicization and militarization Mark J. Valencia: present and future conflict over marine resources superpower militarization in the marine region conflict over natural resources in Malaysia - the struggle of small-scale fisherman Lim Teck Ghee: introduction the 1950s - early developments in the fisheries industry the experience with fishing co-operatives, 1957-1965 a decade of trawling development, 1960-1970 the poverty eradication programme of the 1970s - new deal for small-scale fishermen? policy developments in the 1980s conclusion conflict over natural resoures in the Pacific James M. Anthony: the region and its resources conflicts over marine space conflicts over marine environment conflicting maritime claims conflicts over pelagic resources conflict over seabed mineral resources.

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