
Abstract. 1. Clutch size in a leaf‐mining moth, Leucoptera sinuella (Reutti), was examined to determine whether the clutch size in natural populations meets the prediction of an optimal strategy, through comparisons between the optimal clutch sizes for offspring and for a mother.2. A field experiment revealed that premature leaf abscission, egg dropping, and larval competition were important selective forces in determining the clutch size of this leaf miner on its host plant, Salix miyabeana. Then, optimal clutch size was predicted using the theoretical model of Weis et al. (1983), from the data obtained in the field experiment.3. The model predicts that the clutch size that maximises offspring fitness is two, and that the clutch size that maximises reproductive success of the female varies from two to four, depending on the female's survival rate between oviposition events. The predicted clutch size (two) was identical to the clutch size observed most frequently in the field, assuming > 95% survival rate of females. Suitability of the model of Weis et al. (1983) was discussed based on these results.

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