
Conflict Analysis is a set of techniques to model and analyze a strategic conflict, or policy problem, using models of the purposive behavior of actors. After a review of these methods, the Graph Model for Conflict Resolution, which stands out for the flexibility of its models and the breadth of its analysis, is described in detail. After an historical overview, its development is compared to other Conflict Analysis techniques, including Drama Theory (See the chapter by Bryant, this volume), and to the Non-cooperative Game Theory (Chatterjee, in this volume) that inspired them. The graph model system is prescriptive, aiming to provide a specific decision-maker with relevant and insightful strategic advice. The capacity of the graph model to generate useful advice is emphasized throughout, and illustrated using a real-life groundwater contamination dispute. The description of the graph model includes the basic modeling and analysis components of the methodology and the decision support system GMCR II that has been used to apply it, including both basic (stability) analysis and follow-up analysis. New developments ensure that the next generation of decision support based on the graph model will be much more comprehensive and powerful.

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