
AbstractThe confiscation of proceeds of crime has long been seen within the European Unionand beyond as an important tool in the armory of weapons to fight organized crime. Therationale for focusing on the confiscation of criminal proceeds is at least two- fold. First itaddresses concerns that enormous criminal wealth, generated most notably by various formsof trafficking offences, risks destabilizing financial systems and corrupting. As such theconfiscation of criminal assets seeks ultimately to reduce and prevent crime by making knownthat criminals will not be allowed to legitimate society. Second it attempts to undermine the“raison d'être” behind most organized crime activity, namely the maximization of profit byillicit means. As such the confiscation of criminal assets seeks ultimately to reduce andprevent crime by making known that criminals will not be allowed to enjoy their illicit wealth.By the same token, focusing on confiscation of criminal wealth can send an importantmessage by removing negative role models from local communities.

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