
We report on magnetic susceptibility and specific heat measurements of the cubic helimagnet FeGe in external magnetic fields and temperatures near the onset of long-range magnetic order at TC = 278.2(3) K. Pronounced anomalies in the field-dependent χac(H) data as well as in the corresponding imaginary part χ″ac(H) reveal a precursor region around TC in the magnetic phase diagram. The occurrence of a maximum at T0 = 279.6 K in the zero-field specific heat data indicates a second-order transition into a magnetically ordered state. A shoulder evolves above this maximum as a magnetic field is applied. The field dependence of both features coincides with crossover lines from the field-polarized to the paramagnetic state deduced from χac(T) at constant magnetic fields. The experimental findings are analyzed within the standard Dzyaloshinskii theory for cubic helimagnets. The remarkable multiplicity of modulated precursor states and the complexity of the magnetic phase diagram near the magnetic ordering are explained by the change of the character of solitonic inter-core interactions and the onset of specific confined chiral modulations in this area.

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