
A wide variety of DSP design tools have been developed that incorporate dataflow graph representations into their GUI-based design environments. However, as the complexity of application graph topologies increases, textual manipulation of graph specifications becomes increasingly important. The dataflow interchange format (DIF) provides a text-based language for the description of dataflow graphs. Currently, the DIF infrastructure supports the specification of mixed-grain dataflow models, porting of dataflow applications specified in DIF across DSP design tools, software synthesis of applications specified in DIF, as well as a variety of optimization and analysis capabilities. This paper presents a novel set of dataflow graph configuration features that have been developed in the DIF language. These features greatly enhance the flexibility and power with which dataflow graphs, especially large-scale graphs, can be constructed and manipulated in DIF. To support the new graph configuration capabilities, several new concepts have been incorporated into the DIF language semantics, such as the capability to handle certain dynamic dataflow constructs, and support for C-like arrays in DIF specifications. Along with these concepts, a new framework for the construction and manipulation of DIF objects through the use of C/C++ is presented, and applications of this framework are demonstrated

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