
AbstractThe optimal configuration of a resection network plays an important role in the precision analysis of free stations. The two conditions of the optimal configuration for distance-only resection networks were derived. Based on the two conditions, the regular sector configuration was proposed, and the character of the optimal configuration was determined. Furthermore, the geometric dilution of precision (GDOP) for a generic direction resection network with n known points was deduced. The conclusion was reached that A-D-E-optimality cannot be simultaneously achieved in the direction resection network. The pursuit of only the lowest GDOP is impractical in engineering, whereas the E-optimality criterion is suitable in such a situation, as shown by cases with three known points. There are typically two E-optimal configurations for a three-known-point direction resection network, and the regular pattern was explored. Finally, the configuration of a heterogeneous resection network was analyzed. An in-depth...

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