
Abstract This paper aims to present the connection and continuity between the implicit principles that configure the transgressive visions of Lucian Blaga, Gaston Bachelard and Ștefan Lupașcu, which inaugurate a paradigmatic change in consensus with the revolutionary ideas circulating in science, philosophy, poetry and art across the 20th century. The subtle paradigmatic axis which crosses implicitly or explicitly the work of Lucian Blaga proves to be the transgressive attempt of integration and overcoming of the antinomies under the sign of the included middle which underlies the transfiguring core of the dogmatic paradox . Thus, the nucleus of Blaga’s epistemological vision, the dogmatic paradox – a synthesis of the antinomies solved not in concrete level, but in transcendent one, creating a paradoxical logics – proves to be close to Gaston Bachelard’s transgressive theoretical constructions – the surrationalism and the philosophy of no –, as well as to Ştefan Lupaşcu’s integrative perspective of the dynamic logics of the contradictory . The subtly related nexus of theoretical ideas developed by Blaga, Bachelard and Lupașcu appear to be essential milestones in the avant-garde of the paradigmatic chain of the included middle, opening it towards the present European episteme.

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