
Data in the cloud is leading to the more interest for cyber attackers. These days’ attackers are concentrating more on Health care data. Through data mining performed on health care data Industries are making Business out of it. These changes are affecting the treatment process for many people so careful data processing is required. Breaking these data security leads to many consequences for health care organizations. After braking security computation of private data can be performed. By data storing and running of computation on a sensitive data can be possible by decentralization through peer to peer network. Instead of using the centralized architecture by decentralization the attacks can be reduced. Different security algorithms have been considered. For decentralization we are using block chain technology. Privacy, security and integrity can be achieved by this block chain technology. Many solutions have been discussed to assure the privacy and security for Health care organizations somehow failed to address this problem. Many cryptographic functions can be used for attaining privacy of data. Pseudonymity is the main concept we can use to preserve the health care means preserving data by disclosing true identity legally.

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