
SummaryIn the 21st Century, the peoples of the world are facing multi-faceted challenges of climate variability and climate change, which requires wise and well-informed decision-making at every level from households, communities, countries and regions, to international fora, including the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change. Those decisions will require, directly or indirectly, access to the best possible climate science and information, and effective application of this information through climate services.The first two World Climate Conferences in 1979 and 1990 laid the foundation for building research and observational activities to understand the nature of the climate challenges and to provide the scientific bases for developing the comprehensive and sound climate services that are now being sought by all countries and in virtually every sector of society. The World Meteorological Organization (WMO) and its partners convened World Climate Conference-3 (WCC-3) to provide nations with the opportunity to jointly consider an appropriate global framework for climate services over the coming decades that would help ensure that every country and every climate-sensitive sector of society is well equipped to access and apply the growing array of climate prediction and information services made possible by recent and emerging developments in international climate science and technology.The purpose of the Expert Segment of WCC-3 was to engage a wide cross-section of climate scientists, expert providers of climate information and the users of climate information and services in a wide-ranging discussion on the essential elements of a new Global Framework for Climate Services for consideration by the High-level Segment of the Conference.The 200 speakers and 1500 participants in the Expert Segment:• reviewed the various elements of the shared challenge facing the climate service provider and user communities;• considered the needs and capabilities for applying climate information in key climate-sensitive sectors, as well as for – social and economic benefits;• examined the scientific basis for climate information and prediction services;• were advised on the needs and perspectives of a number of scientific, environmental and socioeconomic groups and organisations;• were informed of the experience of a wide range of countries and climate-sensitive sectors in the implementation of climate services;• concluded that:– Great scientific progress has been made especially through the World Climate Programme and its associated activities over the past 30 years, which provides already a firm basis for the delivery of a wide range of climate services; but that– Present capabilities to provide effective climate services fall far short of meeting present and future needs and of delivering the full potential benefits, particularly in developing countries;– The most urgent need is for much closer partnerships between the providers and users of climate services; and– Major new and strengthened research efforts are required to increase the time-range and skill of climate prediction through new research and modelling initiatives; and to improve the observational basis for climate prediction and services, and the availability and quality control of climate data;• called for major strengthening of the essential elements of a global framework for climate services:– The Global Climate Observing System and all its components and associated activities; and provision of free and unrestricted exchange and access to climate data;– The World Climate Research Programme, underpinned by adequate computing resources and increased interaction with other global climate relevant research initiatives.– Climate services information systems taking advantage of enhanced existing national and international climate service arrangements in the delivery of products, including sector-oriented information to support adaptation activities;– Climate user interface mechanisms focussed on building linkages and integrating information, at all levels, between the providers and users of climate services; and– Efficient and enduring capacity building through education, training, and strengthened outreach and communication.• supported the development of the proposed Global Framework for Climate Services.– The WCC-3 Sponsoring Agencies agreed, therefore, that the essential findings of the Expert Segment, as summarised in this Statement, should be transmitted to the High-level Segment of the Conference for the information of delegates and other Conference participants; and referred to their individual and joint executive and co-ordination bodies for follow-up action, in particular, in the context of the UN Chief Executives’ Board (CEB) initiative on the UN System Delivering as One on Climate Knowledge.

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