
The 13th Nordic Conference on Reindeer and Reindeer Husbandry Research gathered 75 participants representing the sciences, husbandry, management and education. The main topics were South Sami reindeer husbandry, the concession reindeer husbandry in South Norway and future aspects of reindeer industry. The main focus and other themes as well were discussed in lectures and poster presentations. The conference was arranged by Nordic Council for Reindeer Husbandry Research (NOR) in cooperation with Centre for Sami Studies, University of Tromsø. The conference was held in the South Sami area in the town of Røros. Rangifer Report No. 9, 2004, was published for the conference and included conference programme and abstracts. A proceedings report with articles based on the conference' lectures, is published here in this issue of Rangifer Report.


  • Herds of wild reindeer have inhabited the areas of nowadays Norway for almost 10 000 years

  • Women's traditional tasks are invisible in the official image of reindeer husbandry

  • The reindeer husbandry nowadays is represented as a meat producer, and the official documents are focused on the work with the reindeer herd

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Tove Aagnes Utsi

Nytt kurstilbud i reindrift ved høgskolen i Finnmark (Studies in reindeer husbandry at the University College of Finnmark, Alta). 9. Nytt kurstilbud i reindrift ved høgskolen i Finnmark (Studies in reindeer husbandry at the University College of Finnmark, Alta). Sammendrag: Kvinnens tradisjonelle arbeidsoppgaver er lite synlige i det offisielle bildet av reindriften. Når kvinner og deres arbeidsoppgaver er lite synlige i det offisielle bilde av næringen, kan konsekvensen bli at kvinner indirekte blir definert utenfor. Kvinners usynlighet i det offisielle bilde av reindriften forsterkes ytterligere når bare 17% av driftsenhetene er registrert på kvinner. Ved å utelate viktige arbeidsoppgaver samt å fremstille reindrift som utelukkende menns arbeid, gis et skjevt bilde av reindriften. Det skjeve bildet forsterkes i tillegg når det gjentas ofte

G Kystreindrift
HIBECO - Human Interactions with the Mountain Birch Forest ECOsystem
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