
Background: The paper investigates the results and conclusions of the conference held on 29 November 2023 within the framework of the research project. The conference extensively discussed the current problems facing Ukraine amidst an aggressive ongoing war. Considerable attention was paid to the country's post-war recovery, necessitating significant reforms in various sectors of the national economy. Participants underscored the need for these reforms to be integrated rather than isolated initiatives, serving as a comprehensive solution for Ukraine's achievement of the SDGs and fulfilling the criteria for joining the EU and NATO. The paper delves into the main challenges for implementing such reforms, their main elements, and their relationship, all of which were discussed during the conference. Particular attention was paid to achieving and maintaining the country’s macroeconomic stability during military operations and identifying the main programs essential for revitalising Ukraine's economy. Furthermore, the paper presents successful cases of reform implementation at the micro level in state institutions. Results and Conclusions: Following the conference, a program document on the directions for the restoration and development in Ukraine was drafted. It pointed out the critical need for unity between European countries and the USA in supporting Ukraine and providing timely aid. In Ukraine, achieving unity between the government and business regarding the de-shadowing of the economy, reform of the tax system, customs service, and administration of basic taxes and fees emerged as an issue. This should create prerequisites for the inflow of investments into the Ukrainian economy, ultimately reducing the gap with European countries.

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