
The objects of research were 5 lactose-free and 5 ordinary (lactose) yoghurts presented on the market in Kharkiv (Ukraine). When carrying out research work, a complex of generally accepted chemical, physicochemical, mathematical methods was used, corrected for the merchandising evaluation of yoghurts. The first stage of the study was to conduct a comparative organoleptic assessment of selected samples, paying attention to the uniformity of consistency, the presence of inclusions, the presence of foreign odors and flavors, as well as the uniformity of color. According to the results of a comparative organoleptic quality assessment, it was found that all the studied samples of yoghurts had the same pure, sour milk taste, without extraneous odors unusual for the product, with a well-expressed sour taste. The results of the consistency assessment indicate that on the surface of sample No. 3 there was a separation of whey and a curd, with an undisturbed clot, which occurred due to the fact that lactose-free yoghurt was produced by the thermostatic method. The second stage of the comparative merchandising assessment of selected yoghurt samples was to determine their main physical and chemical parameters in accordance with the requirements of DSTU 4343:2004 «Yoghurts. General technical requirements». The analysis of the physicochemical indicators of the studied samples showed that only sample 1 had deviations from the requirements of the normative and technical documentation, namely, the content of the mass fraction of dry substances was lower by 0.3 %, which indicates non-compliance with the product manufacturing technology. The content of the mass fraction of dry substances of other samples was within acceptable limits. When determining the content of titratable and active acidity, the mass fraction of fat in yoghurts, it was found that all the samples under study did not deviate from the requirements of the regulatory and technical documentation. It was found that carrying out a commodity assessment (determination of organoleptic and physicochemical indicators) makes it possible to obtain a set of results on the freshness of the studied samples of lactose-free and ordinary (lactose) yoghurts.

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