
Abstract Within the framework of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM‐IV‐TR; American Psychiatric Association [APA], 2000), conduct disorder is one of the Disruptive Behavior Disorders that are usually first diagnosed in childhood or adolescence. Conduct disorder (CD) is a repetitive and persistent pattern of behavior that violates societal norms or the basic rights of others (APA, 2000) and that consists of (1) aggressive behavior that threatens or causes physical harm to other people or animals (e.g., bullies, threatens, or intimidates others); (2) nonaggressive conduct that causes property loss or damage (e.g., fire‐setting); (3) deceitfulness or theft (e.g., breaking into someone's house or car); and (4) serious violation of rules (e.g., truancy). To be diagnosed, at least 3 of 15 possible symptoms must have been displayed during the past 12 months. Childhood‐onset CD is differentiated from adolescent onset when at least one of the behavioral characteristics is evident before age 10.

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