
The present study analyses the composition and main components of toxic dust. To develop and understand the methods of controlling the dust generation process, it is necessary to study the data that provide detailed information about the reaction mechanism. The results of studies of the phase composition of dust conducted in the laboratory and their comparison with the data obtained earlier by other authors allowed establishing a fairly reliable diagnosis of the phase composition of dust. The analysis revealed that the dust of various phosphorus plants comprises the same basic components, yet the chemical bonds between them differ. The purpose of this study, conducted in the research laboratory of the Zhambyl Branch of LLP “Kazphosphate” (NDFZ) is to investigate the possibility of using new toxic dust, as well as the toxic dust from storage tanks to obtain NPK fertilisers. The study comprises three stages of investigating the oxidation of elementary phosphorus with nitric acid, since elementary yellow phosphorus is dangerous for the environment. As a result of the 1st stage of the study, it was found that toxic dust oxidised with nitric acid cannot be used as a fertiliser, since a non-technological mass is generated, such as acid resin, which is not suitable for drying and granulation. To neutralise the acid reaction mass, it was decided to use an aqueous solution of ammonia, thereby increasing the nutrient content and obtaining a complex NPK fertiliser. In the course of the study, the authors found in the 2nd and 3nd stages of the experiment that to obtain a productsuitable for fertilisation, it is necessary to strictly control the content of elemental phosphorus in the initial toxic dust and adjust the consumption of nitric acid based on its results

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