
Contextuality and nonlocality are nonclassical properties exhibited by quantum statistics whose implications profoundly impact both the foundations and applications of quantum theory. In this paper we provide some insights into logical contextuality and inequality-free proofs. The former can be understood as the possibility version of contextuality, while the latter refers to proofs of quantum contextuality and nonlocality that are not based on violations of some noncontextuality (or Bell) inequality. By ``possibilistic'' we mean a description in terms of possibilities for the outcomes, which are Boolean variables assuming value one when the corresponding probability is strictly larger than zero and zero otherwise. The present work aims to build a bridge between these two concepts from what we call possibilistic paradoxes, which are sets of possibilistic conditions whose occurrence implies contextuality and nonlocality. As the main result, we demonstrate the existence of possibilistic paradoxes whose occurrence is a necessary and sufficient condition for logical contextuality in a very important class of scenarios. Finally, we discuss some interesting consequences arising from the completeness of these possibilistic paradoxes.

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