
Students learn best when they are active and engaged. Even when we combine asynchronous and synchronous communication, it is challenging to get the optimal levels of engagement and communication. A number of different ways of creating communication and interactivity have been tested out including mandatory on-campus seminars, small size groups of students, video conferencing with chat and teaching in real time. This paper presents a holistic approach to increase communication and engagement in online teaching by using the blended learning concept. The paper presents three different types of network models that combine synchronous and asynchronous communication. The methodological approach is mainly qualitative. The empirical data is mainly interviews and observations. The respondents are lectures who are teaching online. The theory this research rests on is theory on communication and relevant theory about online teaching. Findings and results are from Lervik's PhD work. The results show that the following conditions promote communication, dialogue and engagement in online teaching: compulsory campus meetings before starting online teaching, having small groups of students online, communicating through video conferencing with chat and teaching in true time. Blended learning will in this case be a combination of synchronous and asynchronous communication. The main findings of this research are that these lecturers conduct online education through three different network models. These three web network models vary with the aim of facilitating the flexibility of online students that combine work and study. A critical factor is to conduct on-campus seminars at the start of the education as this enables the teacher and students to get to know each other and develop the trust required to have the required involvement, engagement and communication. A high level of involvement and engagement will increase the learning outcome from the subsequent online teaching. The blend of learning opportunities provides the students with different approaches that can support different learning styles.


  • Activating student is recognized as important for students learning, and different takes as e.g. Flipped Classroom, is being used to engage students in order to enhance the learning outcome, and to keep students motivated so that they finish their studies

  • The research done by Monica Lervik indicates that factors like face-to-face meetings, group size, teaching in real time and communicating through video conferencing with chat and teaching in real/true time are important to the quality of online teaching

  • Our research question is : How do the three different web models combine asynchronous and synchronous communication? In this paper, we present some theories that have guided us in our search for increasingly better learning outcome for our students

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Activating student is recognized as important for students learning, and different takes as e.g. Flipped Classroom, is being used to engage students in order to enhance the learning outcome, and to keep students motivated so that they finish their studies. Online studies still struggle with high dropout rates, the need for finding ways to keep the students in a study and thereby reduce the dropout rate [1]. These efforts will benefit blended learning courses. At the Norway Inland University of Applied Sciences, there are three major types of courses: only online, online and seminar based, and on campus courses. We need to keep the quality of the education at a high standard to fill our obligations as a university. The constant search of an optimal adaption regarding lecturing and teaching ways

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