
Spotted knapweed ( Centaurea maculosa Lam.) is an invasive plant that alters species composition and grazing value of rangelands in the northwestern United States. The spread of invasive plants may be reduced by using livestock as a biological control. We determined if mature ewes and their lambs ( n = 34 ewe/lamb pairs) consume more spotted knapweed when ewes and/or lambs are conditioned to fresh-cut spotted knapweed. Ewe/lamb pairs were randomly assigned to one of four conditioning treatments: ewes and lambs not conditioned to spotted knapweed (N), conditioned ewes with non-conditioned lambs (E), non-conditioned ewes with conditioned lambs (L), or conditioned ewes and lambs (both—B). Then, ewes and lambs were observed together for 5 days (Trial 1); 11 days later, lambs were observed for 4 days without their mothers (Trial 2). During conditioning, intake by conditioned and non-conditioned ewes and lambs varied over time (as-fed basis, treatment by day interaction; ewes P = 0.03; lambs P = 0.05). Overall, non-conditioned lambs (N, E) consumed more than conditioned lambs (L, B; P = 0.02). In Trial 1, N ewes consumed similar amounts of spotted knapweed and bromegrass ( Bromus inermis Leyss.) as the E, L, and B ewes ( P = 0.67). E ewes spent more time eating spotted knapweed than L ewes ( P = 0.001), and E ewe/lamb pairs consumed more spotted knapweed than L ewe/lamb pairs ( P = 0.02). In Trial 2, N lambs consumed less spotted knapweed than E, L, and B lambs ( P = 0.06). L lambs consumed more than E lambs ( P = 0.007). Conditioning ewes, lambs, or ewes and lambs did not increase time spent eating spotted knapweed when both grazed together in a drylot, but conditioned lambs, without their mothers present, consumed more spotted knapweed 11 days later than non-conditioned lambs. Conditioning lambs only in a group setting with their peers may have the greatest potential to enhance consumption of spotted knapweed, because of social facilitation and the predilection for young animals to try novel feeds.

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