
Individual differences in reward-related learning are relevant to many behavioral disorders. Sensory cues that predict reward can become incentive stimuli that adaptively support behavior, or alternatively, cause maladaptive behaviors. The spontaneously hypertensive rat (SHR) expresses a genetically determined elevated sensitivity to delay of reward, and has been extensively studied as a behavioral model for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). We investigated reward-related learning in the SHR, comparing them to Sprague-Dawley (SD) rats as a reference strain. A standard Pavlovian conditioned approach task was used, in which a lever cue was followed by reward. Lever presses could occur while the lever was extended, but had no effect on reward delivery. The behavior of both the SHRs and the SD rats showed that they learnt that the lever cue predicted reward. However, the pattern of behavior differed between the strains. During lever cue presentation, SD rats pressed the lever more often and made fewer magazine entries than SHRs. When lever contacts that did not result in lever presses were analyzed, there was no significant difference between SHRs and SDs. These results suggest that the SHRs attributed less incentive value to the conditioned stimulus than the SD rats. During the presentation of the conditioned cue, cue directed responses are called sign tracking responses, whereas responses directed towards the food magazine are called goal tracking responses. Analysis of behavior using a standard Pavlovian conditioned approach index to quantify sign and goal tracking tendencies showed that both strains had a tendency towards goal tracking in this task. However, the SHRs showed a significantly greater goal tracking tendency than the SD rats. Taken together, these findings suggest that attribution of incentive value to reward predicting cues is attenuated in SHRs, which might explain their elevated sensitivity to delay of reward.

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