
Abstract : The objective was to identify a baseline and create a common framework that would facilitate continued expansion of the Condition-Based Maintenance Plus (CBM+) initiative among DoD policy executives, military service leaders, weapon system and maintenance program managers, research activities, and commercial vendors. We established the baseline by surveying 11 select DoD programs within the services to identify the CBM+ technologies and tools of most interest to the program managers, and participating in limited discussions with commercial firms. We grouped the 11 select programs into 3 categories: future programs, fielded programs, and other or multiple-platform applications. We discovered a broad range of general CBM+ characteristics is being addressed within each category, indicating an existing level of activity (although not consistently robust and without supporting metrics). Several general maintenance themes emerges as universal considerations for the programs interviewed; among them are cost, diagnostics, and wireless capabilities. LMI's recommendations are: strengthen policy for the CBM+ initiative at the DoD and service levels; focus on specific CBM+ core issues to achieve quantifiable success and support follow-on applications; establish a framework for executing CBM+ pilots; and develop active relationships with commercial and academic activities to refresh and sustain the CBM+ initiative.

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