
Condition monitoring of machines provides knowledge about the condition of machines. Any deterioration in machine condition can be detected and preventive measures taken at an appropriate time to avoid catastrophic failures This is achieved by monitoring such parameters as vibration, wear debris in oil, acoustic emission etc. The changes in these parameters help in the detection of the development of faults, diagnosis of causes of problem and anticipation of failure. Maintenance/corrective actions can be planned accordingly. The application of condition monitoring in plants results in savings in maintenance costs, and improved availability and safety. The techniques covered in this chapter are performance, vibration, motor stator current, shock pulse, acoustic emission, thermography and wear debris monitoring. The instrumentation required, method of analysis and applications with some examples are explained. Signal processing techniques to gain more benefits of vibration monitoring are covered. Wear debris monitoring methods include magnetic plugs, ferrography, particle counter and spectrographic oil analysis.KeywordsAcoustic EmissionCondition MonitoringWear DebrisVibration SignalWear ParticleThese keywords were added by machine and not by the authors. This process is experimental and the keywords may be updated as the learning algorithm improves.

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