
The most crucial element to take into account when developing operations in the building sector is steel. Therefore, it is essential to assess the state of steel in real-time to prevent failure later on in the structure’s useful life. When a structure’s strength declines over time, structural issues such as overloading, material deterioration, and physical damage may be discovered. If these issues are not addressed, the structure’s estimated lifespan may be shortened. For the purpose of evaluating the physical state of all structures that are 15 to 30 years old, the Indian government authorized a structural audit. The non-destructive testing techniques are adopted while conducting a structural audit on a steel structure. such as Vernier Thickness Caliper Test, Dye-Penetration Test, Ultrasonic Thickness Gauge, and Visual Inspection. The carbonation of concrete is one of the main reasons for the corrosion of reinforcement. The carbonation and corrosion deterioration model is developed and the Life Evaluation of Structure is showcased in this paper. The Sangam Steel Plant in Wardha, Maharashtra, undergoes a structural audit to determine the steel structure’s physical condition and determine the most cost-effective rehabilitation options to extend the structure’s life.

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