
Objective. To determine the working conditions of staff of sick people in time of (sarscov-2) in Ecuador, 2020. Methodology. This supported by the bibliographical reviews of the databases, such as Elsevier, SciELO, PubMed, Science Direct and official websites of the World Health Organization, Pan American Health Organization and Ministry of Public Health. The summary and main conclusions of these documents were reviewed to determine whether the topic addressed corresponded to a description and/or analysis of the system, as well as discussions with key informants who are leaders in the health services, so that they could contribute to the analysis and working conditions at this time of the Covid-19 pandemic. Results. The world of work is enormously affected by the global pandemic of the new coronavirus (SARSCoV-2), which has had a profound impact on the economy and health of millions of people, of 11.5%, said Carissa Etienne, the director of PAHO, in a virtual session of the Organization of American States (OAS). One of the most affected regions is the deeply exclusionary and unequal city of Guayaquil. These working conditions of nurses in Ecuador's health sector. It is framed in the concept of human resources field, having the reference framework of the different elements that interact in the dynamics of the work process; Qisas the most aggravating problem that nurses have had to live with is the right to work security, as they are mainly exposed to biological risk and the lack of an adequate supply of personal protective equipment (PPE). Used during the working day, during periods of greatest exposure during direct care of the patient with covid 19 Conclusion The State does not provide the conditions of job security and welfare for and of nurses by not providing appropriate and sufficient personal protective equipment in all health facilities including the first access to mental health and psychosocial support

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