
This study aimed to assess the sanitary conditions in kindergartens on municipal Picos - PI. Data were collected in six existing kindergartens i n urban area, through the application of the checkl ist of Best Practice Food Services, recommended by the RDC 216/04. According percentage of treated items, it was found that only the nursery B was classified as property medium health risk and other nurseries evaluated was classified as a high health risk. Maj or nonconformities who contributed to this unsatisf actory health situation of child care are related to build ings and facilities, waste management, raw material s and handlers. It is concluded that inadequate functioni ng of most valued public kindergartens, put the hea lth of the assisted population at risk. Therefore, it is n ecessary to plan corrective actions in the short an d long term between the competent bodies for adequacy of nonconformities and subsequent supply of whole and health y foods.

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