
Condensed tannins (CTs, proanthocyanidins) are widespread polymeric flavan-3-ols known for their ability to bind proteins. In poplar (Populus spp.), leaf condensed tannins are induced by both biotic and abiotic stresses, suggesting diverse biological functions. Here we demonstrate the ability of CTs to function as physiological antioxidants, preventing oxidative and cellular damage in response to drought and UV-B irradiation. Chlorophyll fluorescence was used to monitor photosystem II performance, and both hydrogen peroxide and malondialdehyde content was assayed as a measure of oxidative damage. Transgenic MYB-overexpressing poplar (Populus tremula × P.tremuloides) with high CT content showed reduced photosystem damage and lower hydrogen peroxide and malondialdehyde content after drought and UV-B stress. This antioxidant effect of CT was observed using two different poplar MYB CT regulators, in multiple independent lines and different genetic backgrounds. Additionally, low-CT MYB134-RNAi transgenic poplars showed enhanced susceptibility to drought-induced oxidative stress. UV-B radiation had different impacts than drought on chlorophyll fluorescence, but all high-CT poplar lines displayed reduced sensitivity to both stresses. Our data indicate that CTs are significant defences against oxidative stress. The broad distribution of CTs in forest systems that are exposed to diverse abiotic stresses suggests that these compounds have wider functional roles than previously realized.

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