
Two glassy refractory Al-rich chondrules in Semarkona (LL3.0), the most primitive unequilibrated ordinary chondrite, provide direct evidence for condensation of Si and Mg on melt droplets during cooling. The chondrules are completely rounded, rich in Ca and Al, and poor in Fe and alkalis. They have extraordinarily abundant glass (70–80 vol%) with a subordinate amount of forsterite as the only crystalline phase that occurs mostly rimming the chondrule edge. The groundmass glass is concentrically zoned in terms of Si with an outward increase, which is overlapped with local heterogeneity of Mg and Al induced by crystallization of forsterite. The outward increase of Si, mostly compensated by Al, cannot be formed solely by crystallization of forsterite from a homogeneous melt in a closed system. Combined with skeletal or dendritic morphology and sector zoning of forsterite, it is suggested that Si condensed onto totally molten droplets (“initial melts”) accompanied by nucleation and rapid growth of forsterite with lowering temperature. The “initial melts”, the compositions of which were estimated from the Ca contents of the first crystallized forsterite, are very similar to Type C CAI but are notably poorer in Mg and Si than the bulk chondrules, indicating condensation of Mg in addition to Si with an atomic ratio of Mg:Si ∼ 3:2. The condensation after the nucleation of forsterite took place below ∼1300 °C under cooling at ∼70 °C/h and amounted to 30 wt% of the current chondrule. This study suggests a model that a short-time and local shock heating event induced melting of Type C CAI and concomitant evaporation of dusts, ferromagnesian chondrules of earlier generation, and their fragments to generate Mg and Si-rich gas, which condensed onto the melt droplets upon cooling accompanying condensation of Type I chondrules.

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